Extreme Steam Therapy Treatment

Why Steaming Is So Good For Your Hair

A unique and largely underappreciated method of achieving thicker and smoother hair.

Benefits Of Hair Steaming

  • Helps boost hair growth. Steam offers moisture to the hair roots. This helps improve blood circulation to the scalp. The hair gets the required nourishment for better growth.

  • Helps reduce hair breakage. Damaged or dry hair is prone to breakage. Steaming hair helps moisture to penetrate the hair cuticles and strengthen the hair strands.

  • Softens hair. Steaming creates a humid environment and opens up the hair cuticles. The moisture penetrating the hair cuticles makes dry, dull, or damaged hair much softer and smoother.

  • Makes hair shiny. Steaming hair increases the production of natural oils and improves moisture retention. As a result, the hair looks shiny and healthy.

  • Keeps curly hair healthy. Curly hair is brittle and may need some extra TLC for added strength and health. Steaming curly and kinky hair retains its moisture and allows other hair care products to enter the hair cuticles easily. This boosts its health.


  • The outer hair cuticles are lifted to expose the hair cortex (the inner layer), affecting the hair’s structural integrity.

  • The hair shaft has three layers: medulla (the innermost part), cortex (the second layer that contains keratin fibers and melanin), and cuticle (the outer layer composed of dead, overlapping cells).